La Ribagorza offers tranquility, nature and scenery to enjoy on two wheels. It is the perfect setting for cycling because it combines low-density road traffic, mountain passes and narrow roads leading to unknown places where you can enjoy spectacular views. On Ribagorza cyclists can combine different types of ports: Pyrenean giants, ports or ports with a history concerning an entire area. These are some of the many combinations.
Col de Fades, col de Espina, Bonansa port, port Laguarres Castle, the port of Turbón Vilas or Ampriu port are some examples of what this district offers.
This is a County with a lot of people, and many of them on mountain slopes, reaching them almost always involves an interesting climb, as is the case Castanesa (1.510m), aesthetic (1.206m); Ardanué (1.360m), Ramastué (1.420m), Chia (1.220m), Montanuy (1.377m); Panillo (831m) and many more that allow you to create routes on which the ups and downs are a constant.
In La Ribagorza, cyclists may combine different types of ports: Pyrenean giants, ports or ports story concerning an entire area. |