El Ball dels Salvatge is a representation dated between the fourteenth and fifteenth staged in Benabarre until early last century.
The Young Savages, was much more than a dance, was a ritual feast in which he was represented by music, dancing and drama-Turgi, an ancient-sounding fear: fear of the forces of nature, fear barbarism.
A great work of documentation, led by Benito Manuel Moliner, historian and ethnographer, the collaboration of several people linked to the town, and a great human effort, made possible in 2007 to recover and again be represented Ball dels Salvatge. It biannually in even years and is held in early August.
The dance of the Savages was much more than a dance, it was a ritual festival in which a fear with very ancient resonances was represented with music, dance and dramaturgy: the fear of the forces of nature, the fear of barbarism. |