You can practice Nordic skiing in the heart of Natural Park Posets Maladeta, at the foot of the Massif Maladetas and peak Aneto. This natural setting is the setting for some of the best skiing circuit in Spain, a few meters from the amenities of the resort Hospital de Benasque. Fans of this sport will find in the Llanos del Hospital station three circuits marked, starting from a minimum height of 1,750 meters and go up to 1,940 meters, making a total of 30 kilometers of tracks, where the quantity and quality snow is guaranteed.
Where I can practice?
Llanos del Hospital nordic ski station, at the north of Valle de Benasque.
Nordic skiing in the heart of Posets Maladeta Natural Park, at the foot of the massif of Maladeta and Aneto peak. More information in http://www.llanosdelhospital.com/esl/Estacion-de-esqui-y-montana |