- A kilo and a half lamb
- A medium onion
- A bay leaf
- Three cloves of garlic
- 200 gr. almond
- Twelve Mary toast crackers
- Two lamb brains
- A deciliter of oil
- Ground white pepper to taste
- ground thyme
- Soft water or broth
- salt
The lamb, sliced, spiced and fragrant with thyme in a saucepan large sauté with chopped onions and bay leaves for ten minutes. When the lamb has released enough fat wet with water or broth, making sure that meat is not covered, and cook for one hour. After this time you make a mash with the garlic, almonds, cookies and lamb brains, adding a little broth from the pan to get a very thin sauce is poured over the lamb. Boil gently for a whole five minutes, stirring from time to time the container so the sauce is locked. The original formula provided for the cooking in the crossfire when sorting is done by placing hot coals on the covering of the pot.