The Forau of Aiguallut, located in the Benasque Valley, set in the Park Natural Posets Maladeta, is one of the most famous karstic events. It is a spectacular karst sinkhole where the water from three glaciers (Storms, Barrancs and Aneto) will lead to "Forau" a hole 70 meters diameter and 40 deep, that water seeps through an underground river until they appear in the Aran Valley.
This results in a change of fundamental aspects: the water that naturally should be directed towards the Mediterranean, are referred to the Atlantic, mocking the watershed. Located in a beautiful part of the Pyrenees where you can enjoy a spectacular landscape with lush green pines and meadows next to a stunning waterfall, all witnessed by the Aneto, who challenging stood at the back.
The water that naturally should be directed towards the Mediterranean, are referred to the Atlantic, mocking the watershed. |