The Natural Park Botanical Trail Maladeta Posest-go part of the ancient road linking the Kingdom of Aragon and the south of France for the Bal de Benás (Valle de Benasque), taking advantage of the diversity step natural landscape. Born near the Camping de los Banos, in the plane of Turpie, and ends at the forest road that connects the Baths with the Hospital de Benasque. It is representative of the montane Natural Park, with clumps of yew, black pine, fir and has mainly.
It starts way through small pastures surrounded by boxwood-Buix (Buxus sempervirens). A few meters from the beginning then go over a rocky area to keep a pasture with boxwood and black pine. They are well-Freixas ash (Fraxinus excelsior)-garrabera hips (Rosa canina), some wild-martuell strawberry (Fragaria vesca) and Gamones-albesons (Asphodelus albus).
At 3 minutes we get into a forest of black pine with yews and firs. The path parallels the river Esera. Grow some trees such as rowan-abesurt (Sorbus aucuparia), boxwood bushes abound, holly-farnusera rododrendo (rhododendron ferrugineum), cranberry-anayón (Vaccinium myrtillus), heather-brueco (Calluna Vulgaris) , and flowers like Martagon (Lilium martagon), primroses (Primula veris) and some ferns.
Duration: |
25 min. |
Elevation: |
from 1.540 - 1.670 m. |
Brands: |
Two parallel lines of dark green and light green. |
Interpretative panels: |
yes |
Difficulty: |
none |
Acces: |
Benasque up the main road until the exit of the Baths, and take down the paved forest road. Once past the camping of the Baths and the Esera River bridge, walk about 20 meters. and into the meadow to the left following the signs. |