For the dough
- 1 kg. bread dough
- 1 glass of anise
- 1 cup olive oil
- 3 eggs
- 1 tablespoon sugar
For the filling
- 200 gr. chopped walnuts
- sunflower oil
- honey
- sugar
Mix all dough ingredients, which have worked well until smooth and elastic consistency. Let stand for about two hours, covered with a cloth in a warm place. After that, stretch the dough with a rolling pin to form a large rectangle. On one half put the filling: chopped walnuts, a dash of sunflower oil, honey and sugar another dusting. Fold the dough over it self and seal the edges. The surface is painted with sunflower oil, sprinkle sugar and bake at medium heat until the surface browns lightly (about 20 minutes). Can be filled with pumpkin (pre-sliced and macerated with sugar), cinnamon and sugar with apple and cut into thin slices and sprinkled with sugar.