The main attractions of La Ribagorza for water sports in calm water are the reservoirs: Linsoles, Barasona Canelles and Escales. All of them have put up for docks canoeing and sailing boat.

In Barasona reservoir also can enjoy the fun inflatable speedboats are dragged by a speedboat while you try to stay afloat without crashing. We also rent pedal boats or workshops can be made water-skiing or windsurfing. The main attraction of these activities is to enjoy unparalleled mountain scenery from a prospect only, floating in the middle of an artificial lake with clear water.

Linsoles is located in the heart of the Pyrenees, surrounded by high peaks, Barasona, near Graus, has a softer landscape dominated by the massif of squalls and the bottom peak Cotiella.

Where I can practice?

    • Embalse de Linsoles (Eriste):canoeing
    • Embalse de Barasona (Graus): canoeing, water-skiing, windsurf, boating, pedal boats
    • Embalse de Canelles (Montsec):canoeing,boating


Época Recommended Season:

from spring to late summer

Congosto de Montrebey 1
Congosto de Montrebey 10
Congosto de Montrebey 2
Congosto de Montrebey 6
Embalse del Grado 1
Graus. Embalse Barasona
Sahun. Embalse Eriste