Between the XI and XIII centuries, Ribagorza accumulated countless hermitages, monasteries, castles, bridges, exquisite objects and a cathedral. If anything defines this heritage is omnipresent Ribagorzana Romanesque. One of the most primitive examples is S. Aventín de Bonansa, then the work of the Lombard mastersin Santa María de Obarra, Cathedral of Roda de Isábena. Santa María de las Rocas de Güell, San Esteban de Conques, the monastery of Saints Justo and Pastor in Urmella, San Antonio de Pano, chapel of San Vicente de Finestra, hermitage of Santa Quiteria Montfalcó and San Bonifacio, hermitage of San Román Castro and hermitage of Nuestra Señora de Gracia of El Run...
There are also murals and exceptional pieces of movable art that holds rotense see, which was one of the cultural references of Aragon Romanesque.