The town wears Laspaúles time and back to the sixteenth century to commemorate a historical event that happened in these lands. In 1593, between 19 February and 29 April, twenty-eight women were processed accused of witchcraft, twenty-one of whom were Laspaúles and seven neighboring villages. Were sentenced twenty-two and then executed, according to pray the manuscripts found by Domingo Subías, pastor of the town in 2001, and dating from this period.
The Work of "The Consell de Laspauls" tries to recreate the day of execution of witches, the day also, the Count of Ribagorza, D. Martin of Aragon, Laspaúles visit (by the death of his father) to take possession of land, and tax subjects Consell de Laspauls.
The representation of the play is framed in natural settings where the facts alleged events.
Held on the first Saturday in August on a biannual basis.
La Obra de "Lo Consell de Laspauls" trata de recrear el día de la ejecución de las brujas, día en el que también, el Conde de la Ribagorza, D. Martín de Aragón, visita Laspaúles para tomar posesión de tierras |