Arén Dinosaurs inhabited for more than seventy-five million years. Today, their fossilized footprints and the remains of his bones are visible in the local paleontological, surprising for its condition.
The first species of dinosaur, which paleontologists from the University of Zaragoza found remains, was named after the town Ribagorzana: Arenysaurio. In December 2010 there was a surprising new finding: Balsisaurio bones, a species whose only known remains in Asia and America.
This last trip must begin in the Dinosaur Museum, located in the old Town Hall Arena. When leaving at the end of the main street is reached the path that takes us to the site Blasi, which explains the paleontological findings produced since 1996, and where they can observe the fossil bone replicas of the most characteristic. The full path of return may involve two to five hours, although it is advisable to invest at least one morning or afternoon, paying attention to the heat in summer and wearing proper footwear.
El regreso a Arén por el antiguo camino de Iscles, atraviesa las ruinas de un antiguo convento, hoy conocidas como Horts del Convent. De nuevo en la localidad, por la calle de San Miguel, se atraviesa la plaza de la Cruz y se alcanza el cementerio viejo.
Siguiendo las indicaciones, mediante un sendero se llega hasta el Pilaret de Santa Bárbara, donde se halla el yacimiento de icnitas, perfectamente adecuado para ser visitado, mediante una plataforma de madera para su acceso presenta una plataforma de visualización desde la que se observan tres rastros de dinosaurios hadrosauridos de tamaño considerable.